Hey Brian,
I have a My Movies user that recently complained to me about incorrect dates in CMC, specifically the Disc Release Date, though based on my investigation I believe the issue affects a lot more dates than he realized.
Anyway, the issue is that his My Movies API outputs the dates as MM-DD-YYYY, with dash delimiters, which broke my code since I was only expecting slashes, i.e. MM/DD/YYYY.
I figured it was the Windows Region settings, he is in Canada and the Short Date format was set to YYYY-MM-DD (different order, but dashes). I had him change it to MM/DD/YYYY and reboot, but no matter what, it didn't affect the API output, he still got dashes.
I then tested on my own My Movies install, changing it from MM/DD/YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD, rebooting to ensure it applied, and yet the My Movies API still outputs MM/DD/YYYY with slashes.
While this isn't a big deal as I've already coded a fix to accept dashes, I would like to understand what is controlling the date format in the My Movies API. Is this set at install time and unchangeable? Or is there a setting somewhere that we can adjust if necessary?
Will it always be either MM/DD/YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY, or are there other date field formats that I might come across?
Chameleon MediaCenter (CMC) v7.0 - A FREE WMC replacement GUI for My Movies Collection Management on Win7/8.1/10/11, plus a Music Library and App Launcher!