How-To - Documentation
Written Documentation and Tutorials - My Movies Wiki
Written documentation, guides and information on how to use My Movies is available in our Wiki Section
Here you will find detailed guides on various topics, installation instructions and much more.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, please refer to our knowledge base, and if you are unable to find what you are looking for here as well, please seek support on our forums, where our staff and users are usually able to help.
Knowledge Base
Common troubleshooting topics and frequently asked questions is collected in our knowledge base.
The knowledge base is used as a supplement to our written documentation, and collects detailed answers to topics often created though our forums.
If you cannot find what you are looking for in our written documentation or the knowledge base, please seek support on our forums, where our staff and users are usually able to help.
Video Documentation and Tutorials
Let us guide you through various program options of My Movies using a set of easily understandable videos.
In this video section, we will show you everything from basic operations, to detailed instructions on the various features.
Be sure to check back on this section, as new videos will be created every once in a while.
If you would like to request another video, contact, or post in our forums.
My Movies for Windows Media Center User Customization
My Movies for Windows Media Center User Customization
My Movies for Windows Media Center contains several options of user customization, such as cover styles, genre icon sets and similar. Users can contribute their work to share with other users.
These user customizations are collected on this page, making them available for download by other users.