Introduction to My Movies 5.10 Pre Release



Welcome to the Pre Release of My Movies 5.10.

My Movies 5.10 introduces support for generic movie profiles in My Movies, a feature that was originally planned for My Movies 5, but was postposed to be able to deliver the My Movies 5 software package quicker.

With the introduction of generic movie profiles, we are adding a third meta-data offering to our service, so that there are now Disc Titles (DVD, Blu-ray, HD DVD), Movies and TV Series.

The purpose of introducing movie profiles are to provide better support for users content that are not specifically on disc titles, such as digital downloads, but it can also be used to track older media such as VHS, LaserDisc and similar, but without support for barcodes.

The Pre Release is initially being opened for users with 2500 points, for the purpose of limiting incoming feedback to a level that we can handle.

We have created a forum specifically for the My Movies 5.10 Pre Release, allowing you to report issues, post requests or discuss the release in general. You can find this forum here.


Important Notice

Before you install the My Movies 5.10 Pre Release, create a backup of your database in the Collection Management program, or through the dashboard on the Home and Essentials Server Solution software. This is very, very important, because if there is any bugs in the pre release that affects your database, you are sure to have a backup from prior to the Pre Release.



Before you download the My Movies 5.10 Pre Release, we strongly recommend that you read this page fully, as it contains important information that you need to be aware of before downloading and installing.

When you have read the page, the program is available for download here:

IMPORTANT: Make sure always to create a database backup before installing the Pre Release.

IMPORTANT! You need 2,500 points on your user account to use the Pre Release, or registered professionals can download a demonstration license in the installer area.

My Movies for Windows 5.10 Pre Release 10 - for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8/8.1.

My Movies Home and Essentials Server Solution 5.10 Pre Release 10 - for Windows Home Server 2011 and Windows Server 2012 Essentials.

Changelog is available in the bottom of this page.


But is DVD and Blu-ray's not movies?

DVD and Blu-ray media certainly can contain movies, similar to how they can contact TV Series, but still, there are several reasons why our data for disc titles are not ideal for use with product features for digital downloads.

Examples are that DVD and Blu-ray titles have audio track languages and subtitle languages that typically do not represent what a digitally downloaded file contains, descriptions may refer to offerings that are specific for the individual disc title releases, and studios releasing a disc title may not always be the same as production companies involved in the creation of the movie.

We have created a page which explains the difference between disc titles and the new generic movie profiles in details. It is recommended that you read this page here.


Initial Data Limitations - We need your help!

We have decided on providing movie meta-data through our own service, rather than basing the functionality on other services such as - to be able to deliver the feature set we would like, it is important for us to have full control over the data through our own service.

Through our online service, we have for a while had an option to contribute movie theater posters for movies, as well as movie backdrops, but we have not had specific generic movie meta-data.

To have an initial offering of data, we have therefore build a database that is based on a combination of the contributed movie theater posters and backdrops, and, an import of data from our disc title database, on data that is directly transferable, based on most popular profiles. This means that we have a relatively good coverage initially, but it also means that there may be glitches in the data, such as titles that include unwanted text, or titles where the description refers to the DVD or Blu-ray specifically, and it also means that there are some data that is not available on any profile, because it is not directly transferable from disc titles.

It is our hope that many of our beloved users will help us by improving the generic movie data, by correcting and contributing data, allowing us to quickly have a good accuracy and coverage. Your help is especially requested for the following situation:

- Contribute movies that does not exist. You can search specifically by an IMDB id (tt0000000) to ensure if a title exists.
- Correct titles that you find to contain unwanted text that may refer to a disc title, multi disc title or similar.
- Correct descriptions that you find to refer to disc specific content.
- Contribute translated descriptions if your primary language is not English.
- Contribute data that is lacking from the profiles.

You will of course earn contribution points for added data, but as with our existing database, we cannot give contribution points for changes to existing data - we do hope that you will help us correcting incorrect data anyways, for the benefit of everyone. Our contribution introduction page will contain details about earned points.


How does it work?

Once having installed the My Movies 5.10 Pre Release, open the Collection Management program, and the application will offer to download movie data profiles for titles in your collection - this will download a generic movie profile for disc title in your database, that is registered with Media Type 'movie' and where a matching movie profile exists, and place it below the disc title in the title list.

This new profile below the disc title is now also the way of working with backdrops inside the Collection Management program, rather than on our online website.

Disc title profiles with Media Type 'movie' and where a matching movie profile exists, will now always have a generic movie meta-data profile below it, but everything else regarding disc titles remains as it has always been. It is our intention that you in the future will get functionalities to allow your disc titles to be represented with movie specific data in Windows Media Center.

Besides the sub-profiles for disc titles, you can add movie profiles on it's own, for any media you have where movie data is preferred over disc titles, such as digital downloads. You can also use the folder import functions, and folder monitoring functions to import movie data rather than disc title data, or, you can surely also continue to use just disc title data in your collection, or, you can choose to let import and monitoring functions combine the usage of disc titles and movie profiles, allowing specific disc media (VIDEO_TS folders, BDMV folders and ISO files) to receive disc title data, while other media will receive movie data.

With the introduction of movie elements in My Movies, the icons in the title list in Collection Management have been updated to better differentiate between the different element types. You can see the new icons here.

The main movie edit page overview in Collection Management

The main movie edit page overview in Collection Management

The user can select a preferred poster, or upload and contribute new posters to the online service.

The user can select a preferred poster, or upload and contribute new posters to the online service.

Selection of movie backdrops are now available both for disc titles and movie profiles within the Collection Management application.

Selection of movie backdrops are now available both for disc titles and movie profiles within the Collection Management application.


Mobile Applications and Online Collection

The movie profiles are introduced specifically in My Movies for Windows, and will currently be unavailable in mobile applications and the online collection.

We are working on updated mobile applications to include both TV Series and the generic movie profiles, but it is also important for us that the data in the database is in a better state than what we are introducing it with on Windows, for the simple reason that many users in our mobile applications do not understand the community part of the My Movies online service - introducing the mobile applications before the data is improved would be problematic for our staff handling incorrect data reports and missing title reports.

It is planned that a release for iPhone and iPad will be introduced soon, followed by an Android release later. Timelines on releases for Windows Phone, Windows 8 and the online collection is not yet known.



5.10 Pre Release 10:

Added: Localized preview forms for Disc Titles, Movies, and TV Series.
Added: Tooltips on copy and paste actor and crew buttons.

Change: "Read contribution guide" for images now no longer have to be clicked each time contributing.

Fix: Minor filter adjustments in relation to movie filtering.
Fix: If monitoring was disabled, and changes was made in folders, and it was later re-enabled, it did not run full initialization.
Fix: Bug when reading some information regarding persons in Movies, when would break the add of a Movie.
Fix: Removed bug that caused any editing of a movie path through the textbox to be overwritten, when the movie was saved.
Fix: The online titles list did not include movies if displaying disc titles with movie data, even if the disc title was online.
Fix: When changing the group in the add titles dialog it shifted to incorrect groups in the main CM interface.
Fix: Movie already existing message gave a wrong path.

5.10 Pre Release 9:

Added: Prompt to select screenshot or artwork when uploading backdrops.
Added: Requirement to select backdrop content type and alignment when contributing backdrop.
Added: Group and categories can now be set when adding monitored folders.
Added: Movies for disc titles can be created by right clicking the disc title.
Added: Option to download all episodes in a season - right click menu.
Added: Check for connected movie, when doing update of single disc title that got an IMDBid and no locally connected movie.

Change: Canadian parental rating values adjusted.

Fix: In some situations, a language selection dialog could be displayed for backdrops.
Fix: Change title function could fail with an exception.
Fix: A faulty movie was connected to titles with IMDB id = tt0000000. This fix removes that movie from the collection again, if it isn't registered as a stand alone movie.
Fix: TV Series wasn't registered in a group when added to the users collection.
Fix: Filters created could due to parental control settings exclude some titles by default.
Fix: Adding spoken language information on movies could create an error if UI was not set to English.
Fix: Folder monitoring could default to add disc titles, even if another type was selected when operating on WHS and Essentials.
Fix: Opening a Blu-ray as first title when opening could have wrong cover scaling.
Fix: Incorrect storage of a country could lead to country data resetting.
Fix: Country and language drop-downs were not sorted correct when localized.
Fix: Copy button in tray popup was displayed, even if disc copier was disabled.
Fix: Copy button in tray popup could overlap text. It have been moved.
Fix: Icon wasn't changed for TV Episode when the episode was contributed.
Fix: Youtube trailers for movies could not open if the trailer ids were inherited.
Fix: Changing of movie lock could only be done once, then another item had to be selected.
Fix: Removed wrongful check on existing series names, when creating manual movie or disc title.
Fix: There were no messages sent if movie monitoring did not add a title because it existed as a duplicate.
Fix: Marking of movie watched in WMC did not work.
Fix: Deleting a movie in WMC did not work.
Fix: When doing a change source and data on TV Series and Movies, the title wasn't shown in the search text field.

5.10 Pre Release 8:

Fix: Pre Release 7 contained a fix to avoid allowing multi-selection in the add titles dialog. This fixed ended up resulting in a new bug where the dialog would continue to prompt you to select a title when adding titles. The original fix have been reverted, and will be addressed again in a future release.

5.10 Pre Release 7:

Added: Movie Contribution Guide link added to help menu.

Change: Moved contribution comment prompt to before the file upload.
Change: Contribution encouragement for disc titles is no longer done through a popup message, but shown in the top of the profile in Collection Management instead. Just as it does with Movies and TV Series.

Fix: Collection numbers were sometimes shown on movies and TV series under disc titles.
Fix: Contribution of movie data failed due to an incorrect order of parameters.
Fix: Titles for movies were stored as empty strings and not null values, meaning titles with inherited data did not display the title in Windows Media Center.
Fix: Movie profiles displayed with "slim" view, even if "detailed" view was configured.
Fix: Playback from UNC paths could fail on Windows 7 Embedded, as it did not have a patch that Windows 7 SP1 had. This attempts to bring back some old code to correct that.
Fix: Non-disc based based TV Series were not displayed if you configured to show TV Series on disc as disc titles.
Fix: If you selected to show disc titles with movies as movie data, the not existing group selection on the movie was used and not the disc titles group.
Fix: Some disc connected movies was not downloaded after database restore.
Fix: Bug made it impossible to create manually added TV Series.
Fix: If a movie title was connected to multiple disc titles, it would say no playback options were available on playback.
Fix: Purchase price and value per amount was -1 when editing personal data for movies, when not set.
Fix: It was possible to make multi select in the search results when adding titles. This is now removed.
Fix: User selected backdrops could be overwritten if backdrop update from service was enabled.
Fix: Locally created movies weren't removed from connected disc titles if the movie was deleted.
Fix: TV Series episodes were not correctly coupled to mapped disc titles in some scenarios.

5.10 Pre Release 6:

Fix: There was a database upgrade problem, causing some TV Series to not display. This release corrects it, but the information for TV Series ratings (only on the actual series, not on episodes or other elements) and group choice have been lost. If you used these informations restored, you must restore a database backup from prior to Pre Release 5.
Fix: The labels in the counters in the bottom of Collection Management were messed up.

5.10 Pre Release 5:

Added: Collection Numbers on TV Series
Added: Total movie count in bottom of Collection Management
Added: Toolbar button to store meta-data.
Added: Icon and text now asks user to contribute movie data if it is improved compared to the webservice.
Added: Option for adding a comment with each contribution to the service.

Change: The Pre Release now no longer requires 2500 points.
Change: Error message about reading sector x failed, now gives information that cause is likely dirty or scratched disc.

Fix: AnyDVD not running had a red error state, but it is with current implementation perfectly valid that it is not running until a disc is copied the first time after a reboot. Fix: AnyDVD is now restarted by the service user, after it has been updated, and the machine have been rebooted. Not doing this could leave the server in a state where it would not take in discs to copy.
Fix: Some of the new groups were mixed.
Fix: Flac file did not get meta-data added.
Fix: Not connected databases could result in an object reference exception in log.
Fix: IMDB import did not work on Home and Essentials Server
Fix: movie search on IMDB id could fail as a parameter was set wrong.
Fix: Folder monitoring had problems in various situations with read-only files and root file shares.
Fix: Several minor issues with collection synchronization that made it seem like there was always inconsistency between webservice and client.
Fix: Media information did not get stored if you selected a folder as path for movies.
Fix: If directories was selected as path for movies, playback would fail.
Fix: After creating a new database, you were asked if you wanted to synchronize, but you can't because you are not allowed to upload an empty collection.
Fix: Contribute data icon was missing from the toolbar for movies and tv series

5.10 Pre Release 4:

Added: The export database to XML function have been updated, and now includes options to export TV Series, Movies and, all graphical parts used in the database.
Added: Check for missing movies for disc titles with IMDB set. The check is done on update of all disc titles.
Added: New groups to allow for tracking of digital media and watches in cinema: Digital, Interested, Seen.

Change: Settings on how to display movie and tv series discs are displayed in WMC.

Fix: Files that were read-only could not be picked up by monitoring.
Fix: Update of movie profiles had some errors that could break the movie.
Fix: Changing the IMDB id on a disc title, will update its movie connection.
Fix: File existance checks was done in a dumb way, which could lead to issues such as file tagging problems when copying music.
Fix: Ratings on disc titles was not handled correct. They displayed the global rating, and stored it as the users own rating when saving the title.
Fix: Movie connection is now updated on disc titles when a disc title is saved, if it is relevant to update it.
Fix: Some data and icons were not updated correctly after contribution of a new movie.
Fix: Change og country or language on not contributed movies, will now leave the data in the fields, and not try and download data.
Fix: Bug with box set contributions made all contributions seems as if the box set content had changed.
Fix: Copy of disc titles with connected movies didn't work correctly.
Fix: Attempt to let refresh rate changer to produce an error when reverting refresh rates.

5.10 Pre Release 3:

Change: The image view dialog now shows the resolution of the image.

Fix: There was a problem reporting incorrect data for movie posters and backdrops.
Fix: Contribution history for movie images did not work correct.
Fix: Minor bugs with poster/backdrop selector not showing the right color on the imageframe.
Fix: Database restore could in some situations not upgrade the database, causing a log in issue after restoring.
Fix: Cache backdrop function made some calls that were no longer needed, and which could overwrite user selected images.
Fix: The image selector checked for moderator status too many times, causing a delay in getting images to appear.
Fix: Update Movie menu link was missing, but was still run when updating.

5.10 Pre Release 2:

  • There were some parts of the new movie features that were not visible, as they were not correctly inserted in all pages after having been hidden behind a specific registry setting during development.

5.10 Pre Release 1:

  • Initial Release