hart2hart wrote:spl147 wrote:
the uhd template forces the use of the 4K icon, the HEVC icon, and the 2160P resolution
both templates use:
<Image Height="103" Width="168" Y="980" X="1662" Missing="AudioType-DTS-X.png">AudioType-{MediaInfoAudioType}.png</Image>
to fix the DTS:X issue as DTS:X ALWAYS Shows as Missing, so i forced DTS:X to be used for missing
the blu-ray template forces the 1080P resolution as it is not usually set properly
the following is a work in progress and not yet working, it was the end of the day yesterday:
-<Image ContainProportions="True" PositionY="46" PositionX="14" MaxHeight="270" MaxWidth="241" Type="4K Ultra HD">
-<Image ContainProportions="False" PositionY="46" PositionX="14" MaxHeight="283" MaxWidth="251" Type="Selected-4K Ultra HD">
Had little more time and I can see your 1080P and 2160P lines in the template. Could you describe how this is working specific to each resolution and what issue you were working around? I've got a few DVDs and they usually register as NTSC. With all the other icons, the naming convention is Prefix-"specific_value".png, Does the resolution work another way? I can't find any png files that have other resolutions such as 720P, NTSC, PAL such as Format-1080P.png or maybe Resolution-1080P as I can see that Format- is used for another purpose for example Format-DIVX.png and Format-MPEG.png.
I'm certain the reason DTS:X has to be worked around is that : is not valid in filenames so AudioType-DTS:X.png is not a valid file name. To fix this all they would have to do is change audio selection to DTS X or as you compensated with DTS-X. I know its not correct but that : limitation goes all the way back to DOS file names and other operating file systems. Usually a designator of drive letter.
With file types, does the iso file for a UHD title get read as simply a BluRay ISO when you select it as a online file? No big deal but could they determine it was UHD ISO when reading the file?
i am only storing mkv from blu-ray disc and uhd disc so these 2 templates encompass all my storage needs
the resolution icon is dynamic and is written on save to the blank.png there is no specific .png
DTS:X is not a naming restriction, it's just not implimented properly in mymovies, it never did work. and i was told it's not a priority
my blu-ray template forces the bluray icon because i like it better then the mkv icon...LOL
i don't think they have uhd implemented at all. i don't use iso so i could not comment on it's usability
the changes for the icons along the bottom are ALL here:
<Image X="732" Y="980" Width="186" Height="103" Missing="Blank.png">FileType-Blu-ray.png</Image>
as you can see the blu-ray.png is forced<Image X="918" Y="980" Width="186" Height="103" Missing="Blank.png">Format-{MediaInfoSimpleFormat}.png</Image>
this is the codec format<Image X="1104" Y="980" Width="186" Height="103">Blank.png</Image>
this is the black.png the resolution is written on<Text X="1104" Y="1013" Width="182" Height="103" FontFace="Arial" FontStyle="Bold" FontSize="30" Color="White" TextAlign="Center">1080P</Text>
this is were 1080P is forced<Image X="1290" Y="980" Width="186" Height="103" Missing="AspectRatio-Other.png">AspectRatio-{MediaInfoAspectRatioSimple}.png</Image>
this is the aspect ratio.png<Image X="1476" Y="980" Width="186" Height="103">Blank.png</Image>
this is the blank.png the FPS is written on<MediaInfoFPS X="1503" Y="999" Width="75" Height="80" FontFace="Arial" FontStyle="Bold" FontSize="50" Color="White" Split="." SplitDisplayNumber="0" TextAlign="Right"/>
this is the large 2 numbers in FPS<Text X="1567" Y="999" Width="25" Height="80" FontFace="Arial" FontStyle="Bold" FontSize="50" Color="White" TextAlign="Right">.</Text>
this is the . in FPS<Text X="1575" Y="1006" Width="75" Height="80" FontFace="Arial" FontStyle="Bold" FontSize="20" Color="White">Fps</Text>
this is the letters FPS<MediaInfoFPS X="1584" Y="1026" Width="186" Height="80" FontFace="Arial" FontStyle="Bold" FontSize="20" Color="White" Split="." SplitDisplayNumber="1"/>
this is the 3 numbers after the . in FPS<Image X="1662" Y="980" Width="168" Height="103" Missing="AudioType-DTS-X.png">AudioType-{MediaInfoAudioType}.png</Image>
this is the Audio codec, forced to DTS:X is missing<Image X="1830" Y="980" Width="94" Height="103" Missing="AudioChannels-.png">AudioChannels-{MediaInfoAudioChannels}.png</Image>
This is the audio channels, forced to object based if missing</Content>
Also you NEED to select online folder NOT online file