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Contribution and Purchase Rank
Rank Description
Ranks are based on Webservice contributions and point purchases. Listings are updated every six hours, and you can see your own points in the 'My Profile' section.

When you contribute to the Webservice, you are rewarded contribution points, up to 35 points for a full movie profile.

When you purchase points, you receive 25 points per US dollar.

The ranks 0-10 are based on the following points (Contribution points plus purchased points):

: 0-99 points
: 100-249 points
: 250-499 points
: 500-999 points
: 1,000-1,749 points
: 1,750-2,999 points
: 3,000-4,999 points
: 5,000-9,999 points
: 10,000-14,999 points
: 15,000-24,999 points
: 25,000-> points

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