Upgrading? Carefully read below!
Always remember to create a database backup before upgrading!
Users upgrading from My Movies 3 or 5 to My Movies 5 must read this page before proceesing.
Users upgrading from My Movies Home and Essentials Server Solution 2 must read this page before proceeding.
Users upgrading to My Movies 5.20 or later, please be aware that the 5.20 version completely changes how synchronization against our online service is handled. This change means that you initially after installation will be asked to go through a synchronization guide, which ensures your collection is fully in sync between the online service and your local collection - this change is a can take several hours depending on the size of the collection, and is only needed to be performed once. We recommend upgrading when you have time for this, as your solution will be unavailable for operation while this process takes place. Once completed, all changes are made in direct sync with the online service, which replaces the prior upload/download functionality. The synchronization change guide will request you to backup your database - you should only proceed once this have been done.
The synchronisation changes in My Movies 5.20 also means that user accounts is now also required on licensed professional installations. The user account does not relate to the license applied, and the customer will have the full functionality related to the professional license. The customer will also not receive prompts for point purchases or limited functionality. See the installers page on our recommendation creating user accounts for customer devices.
Users upgrading from My Movies 5 to My Movies 5.10 or later is recommended to read our introduction page to My Movies 5.10. Click here to read that page
If you have problems with upgrading, please create a post on our forums, with information about operating system, and your current progress.
Adding Windows Media Center to Windows 8/8.1? Read below!
Users on Windows 8/8.1 must uninstall and reinstall the application if they add the Windows Media Center feature to their machine, to get the My Movies features in Windows Media Center. All data will be kept safe during the uninstall and reinstall. This also applies for users who add Windows Media Center to their Windows 10 installation through unofficial tools.